We are very welcome to the China Wenzhou Mayor Chen Jinbiao trade delegation to visit Ipswich in Suffolk and to attend the signing ceremony of alliance of two cities. The Mayor of Ipswich, Cllr. Bill Quinton has arranged a welcome party and the signing ceremony at the Parlour; the cities have exchanged souvenirs to each other during the signing ceremony. The Mayor of Wenzhou, Mr. Chen has also presented a souvenir to the Chairperson of the Anglo Chinese Cultural Exchange Association for the contribution to the signing ceremony of alliance of two cities and the cultural exchange between the two cities. Before the signing ceremony, the Chinese delegation has attended a seminar at the University Campus of Suffolk County about how to build up a link with the University and the local business between two cities. After visiting the Suffolk New College, we have had a buffet luncheon with reception at the Shelly’s Restaurant.
熱烈歡迎中國溫州市市長陳金彪率領經貿團到訪英國,並為兩市結盟為友好城市出席了意向書簽署儀式,本市市長比爾、昆頓議員在市長宴會廳舉行了隆重的歡迎及 簽署儀式, 儀式後雙方致送了紀念品,陳市長特意致送紀念品與中英文化交流協會主席,感謝本會促成了兩地友好城市的結盟。簽署儀式前,中方訪問團並到修福郡大學出席簡 介會,聽取市議會領袖、大學及本地商界的推廣匯報,之後又到訪新修福郡學院及出席歡迎酒會及自助午宴,並與本會會員、華人華僑及社區團體等交談。
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