- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
- 04/06/2012 ACCE in Diamond Jubilee Event
- 04/03/2012 ACCE at the Ipswich Orchestral Society Concert
- 29/01/2012 ACCE Chinese New Year Festival
- 25/01/2012 Chinese New Year Lunch
- 11/12/2011 ACCE Chinese School Xmas Party
- 14/12/2011 Xmas Party
- 07/09/2011 Mid Autumn Festival Lunch Party
- 27/08/2011 Lantern Making Workshop
- 24/08/2011 Tour to Colchester
- 18/06/2011 Multi Cultural Day
- 06/06/2011 Dragon Boat Festival Celebration
- 20/04/2011 Easter Cooking Workshop
- 21/04/2011 Holywells Court Elderly Centre Visit
- 23/03/2011 Annual General Meeting
- 05/02/2011 Chinese New Year Festival
- 26/09/2012 Mid Autumn Festival Party
Please go to our facebook page for the most up to date photos. 請到我們的 Facebook 專頁看最新活動照片
Twitter @ACCE71328203